Welcome to the Numeral API reference.
Numeral enables companies to send, receive, and reconcile payments through their banks with a single API and dashboard.
The Numeral API is a REST API. It has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form request bodies, returns JSON responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.
The API is built around the following resources:
- Connected accounts - A connected account is a bank or technical account connected through Numeral
- Account holders - An individual or organization you need to send money to or receive money from
- External accounts - The bank account of a counterparty
- Internal accounts - The bank account of a customer on behalf of which you send or receive payments
- Payment orders - A payment order sent to your bank from a connected account
- Incoming payments - A payment received on a connected account
- Returns - The return of a payment order or an incoming payment
- Payment captures - A payment capture is a card or APM charge, refund, or chargeback
- Transactions - A debit or credit transaction on a connected account
- Balances - The balance of a connected account
- Direct debit mandates - A mandate that authorises a creditor to debit a bank account
- Reconciliations - A reconciliation between a payment and a transaction
- Expected payments - A payment expected on a connected account
- Files - A file sent to or received from a connected bank, such as a payment file, a payment status report file, or an account statement file
- Events - An event created when a payment is updated, a transaction is booked, a balance is created, etc.
The following resources are dedicated to customers operating as SEPA, Bacs, or FPS indirect participants:
- Return requests - The request to return a payment order or an incoming payment
- Inquiries - An inquiry related to a return request
- Claims - A claim related to a payment order or an incoming payment
Read through the API reference to learn how to integrate the Numeral API and be live in days.