An internal account represent a customer account held by a payment service provider (PSP). It can be typed own
when the PSP uses its own bank code (BIC / Swift code or sort code) and generates its own account numbers / IBANs or virtual
when it uses virtual account numbers (also called virtual accounts, virtual IBANs, or vIBANs) provided by its partner bank.
Attribute | Description |
id string | The internal account ID. |
object string | Always internal_account . |
type string | The type of the internal account. Can be own or virtual . |
status string | The status of the internal account. See Internal account lifecycle for a comprehensive list of internal account statuses. |
name string | The internal account usual name. |
connected_account_ids string | The list of connected account IDs this internal account is related to. At least one ID must be provided. |
account_holder_id string | The ID of the related account holder. |
holder_name string | The name of the company or individual holding the account. |
alternative_holder_names array[string] | Optional alternative company or individual names holding the account, for instance with joint or undivided accounts. |
holder_address string | The account holder address. See address object. |
account_number string | The account number of the internal account. It can be an IBAN or domestic account number. |
bank_code string | The BIC / Swift code, sort code, or domestic bank code, depending on the country and bank. |
creditor_identifier string | The unique reference for organisations collecting payments. Only applicable to internal accounts collecting direct debit payments. Can be a SEPA Creditor Identifier (SCI) or a UK Service User Number (SUN). |
metadata object | Additional data in JSON key:value format. See Metadata. |
custom_fields object | Custom fields in JSON key:value format. See Custom fields. |
disabled_at datetime | The internal account disabling UTC timestamp. |
created_at datetime | The internal account creation UTC timestamp. |
Below is an example of an internal account:
"id": "b38f5318-a389-4278-9cbe-d16116750982",
"object": "internal_account",
"status": "created",
"connected_account_ids": ["4b97bbe0-e8cb-11ed-a05b-0242ac120003"],
"type": "own",
"name": "EndCustomerCo Main Account",
"account_number": "FR7601234567891127967100082",
"bank_code": "SOMEBIC0XXX",
"holder_name": "EndCustomerCo",
"alternative_holder_names": ["EndCustomer Enterprises"],
"account_holder_id": "a268354a-eec6-4ec3-abab-e6f78eda9454",
"holder_address": {
"building_number": "10",
"street_name": "rue de la Bourse",
"country": "FR",
"postal_code": "59000",
"region_state": "",
"city": "Lille",
"line_1": "",
"line_2": ""
"creditor_identifier": "FR123ZZZ6617379",
"metadata": {},
"custom_fields": {},
"created_at": "2024-10-24T09:53:19.734182Z",