An expected payment is a payment that you expect to be credited or debited on your connected account.
While a payment order is initiated through Numeral, an expected payment is a payment that is not initiated through Numeral, but that you nonetheless want to track and reconcile with one or multiple transactions.
An expected payment is typically a payment expected from a customer or a payment service provider.
Attribute | Description |
id string | The expected payment ID. |
object string | Always expected_payment . |
connected_account_id string | The ID of the connected account where the payment will be credited or debited. |
direction string | Either credit or debit . |
amount_from integer | The payment amount, in the currency's smallest unit. For instance, euro smallest unit is cents and €20 is thus represented as 2000 .If the amount is uncertain, use amount_from and amount_to attributes to specify an amount range.If the amount is certain, use the same value in both attribute. |
amount_to integer | The payment amount, in the currency's smallest unit. For instance, euro smallest unit is cents and €20 is thus represented as 2000 .If the amount is uncertain, use amount_from and amount_to attributes to specify an amount range.If the amount is certain, use the same value in both attributes. |
currency string | The payment currency. All ISO-4217 currency codes are supported. |
start_date date | The expected payment date. If the date is uncertain, you can specify the earliest date in start_date .If the exact date is certain, the same date can be used in start_date and end_date . |
end_date date | The expected payment date. If the date is uncertain, you can specify the latest date in start_date .If the exact date is certain, the same date can be used in start_date and end_date . |
external_account object | The external account linked to the expected payment. It is composed of:account_number : The number of the external accountholder_name : The name of the external account holder |
external_account_id string | The ID of the external account linked to the expected payment. |
internal_account object | The intern account linked to the expected payment. It is composed of:account_number : the number of the internal accountname : the name of the internal accounttype : the type of the internal account |
internal_account_id object | The ID of the internal account linked to the expected payment. |
descriptions array | The payment description. When multiple descriptions can be expected for one payment, they can be added as distinct elements of the descriptions array. |
reconciliation_status string | The expected payment reconciliation status. Either unreconciled , reconciled , or partially_reconciled . |
reconciled_amount integer | The amount reconciled, calculated as the sum of the reconciliations created for this expected payment. |
metadata object | Additional data in JSON key:value format. See Metadata. |
custom_fields object | Custom fields in JSON key:value format. See Custom fields. |
canceled_at datetime | The expected payment cancelation UTC timestamp. |
created_at datetime | The expected payment creation UTC timestamp. |
Below is an example of an expected payment:
"id": "fdff5955-fb30-4827-993d-3841016e8246",
"object": "expected_payment",
"direction": "credit",
"amount_from": 12000,
"amount_to": 13000,
"currency": "EUR",
"start_date": "2023-01-05",
"end_date": "2023-01-10",
"connected_account_id": "a55e3ac4-6956-422f-be98-aa7374482f7c",
"external_account_id": "b38f5318-a389-4278-9cbe-d16116750982",
"external_account": {
"account_number": "FR7601234567890627967100010",
"holder_name": "John Doe"
"internal_account_id": "1450800030135932727Z44",
"internal_account": {
"name": "Account ABC",
"type": "own",
"descriptions": [
"Invoice 1234"
"reconciled_amount": 12000,
"reconciliation_status": "reconciled",
"metadata": {},
"custom_fields": {},
"canceled_at": null,
"updated_at": "2023-01-06T14:32:49.180422Z",
"created_at": "2023-01-03T08:51:13.958195Z"