A direct debit mandate authorises a creditor (a company, public administration, or association) to collect payments from a debtor's bank account (a company, public administration, association, or individual).
Attribute | Description |
id string | The direct debit mandate ID. |
object string | Always direct_debit_mandate . |
connected_account_id string | The the direct debit mandate connected account. |
direction string | The direct debit mandate direction. Either outgoing or incoming . |
reference string | The the direct debit mandate reference. |
signature_date date | The direct debit mandate signature date. |
type string | The direct debit mandate type. Supported direct debit mandate types include:
sequence string | The sequence of the direct debit mandate. Either one_off or recurring . |
creditor_account object | The account to be credited. This attribute is required for financial institution connected accounts, and cannot be specified if originating_account_id is filled or if connected account's type is "corporate". |
creditor_account_id string | The ID of the internal account to be credited. It must be left empty if the creditor_account attribute is filled. Only supported for outgoing mandates created by type = "financial_institution" connected accounts. |
debtor_account object | The account to be debited. It must be left empty if debtor_account_id parameter is filled. |
debtor_account_id string | The ID of the account to be debited. For outgoing direct debit mandates, it can be an external account ID. For incoming direct debit mandates it can be an internal account ID, however it only applies to financial institutions. A debtor_account_id cannot be used if the debtor_account attribute is already filled. |
status string | The direct debit mandate status. |
metadata object | Additional data in JSON key:value format. See Metadata. |
created_at datetime | The direct debit mandate creation UTC timestamp. |
Deprecated attributes:
Attribute | Description |
(deprecated) object | Deprecated. Use either debtor_account or creditor_account depending on the direction of the mandate. |
(deprecated) string | Deprecated. Use either debtor_account_id or creditor_account_id depending on the direction of the mandate. |
(deprecated) object | Deprecated. Use either debtor_account or creditor_account depending on the direction of the mandate. |
(deprecated) string | Deprecated. Use either debtor_account_id or creditor_account_id depending on the direction of the mandate. |
Below is an example of a direct debit mandate:
"id": "c3fd9ee4-2aab-11ed-a261-0242ac120002",
"object": "direct_debit_mandate",
"connected_account_id": "591d818a-27c5-11ee-be56-0242ac120002",
"direction": "outgoing",
"reference": "UMR-35623234324",
"signature_date": "2024-09-03",
"type": "sepa_core",
"sequence": "recurring",
"creditor_account": {
"account_number": "FR7601234567891127967100082",
"bank_code": "BNPAFRPPXXX",
"creditor_identifier": "FR123ZZZ123456",
"holder_name": "PartnerCo",
"holder_address": {
"line_1": "1, rue de la Bourse",
"line_2": "",
"postal_code": "59000",
"region_state": "",
"city": "Lille",
"country": "FR"
"creditor_account_id": "b38f5318-a389-4278-9cbe-d16116750982",
"debtor_account": {
"account_number": "FR7601234567890627967100010",
"bank_code": "SOGEFRPP",
"holder_name": "SoftwareCo",
"creditor_identifier": "",
"holder_address": {
"line_1": "1, rue de l'Abondance",
"line_2": "",
"postal_code": "69003",
"region_state": "",
"city": "Lyon",
"country": "FR"
"debtor_account_id": "30b356df-4135-4641-ae9e-e3a7903b5308",
"status": "active",
"metadata": {},
"created_at": "2025-01-19T08:12:11.734182Z"