A return is the return of an incoming payment or payment order.
Attribute | Description |
id string | The return ID. |
object string | Always return . |
connected_account_id string | The ID of the connected account used to send or receive the return. |
type string | The payment scheme or network. sepa and sepa_instant are supported. |
direction string | The direction of the return: - credit for returns related to credit or instant credit transfers- debit for returns related to direct debits. |
related_payment_type string | The type of the payment returned, either payment_order or incoming_payment |
related_payment_id string | The ID of the payment returned. |
return_reason string | The return reason. Authorised reasons depend on the payment scheme. For SEPA, refer to SEPA reason codes. |
value_date date | The value date of the return. |
returned_amount integer | The payment amount, in the currency's smallest unit. For instance, euro smallest unit is cents and €20 is thus represented as 2000 . |
currency string | The return currency. Only EUR is supported. |
receiving_account_number string | The account number of the account receiving the return. |
status string | The return status. It will be updated as the return is processed. |
status_details string | The return status details. |
reconciliation_status string | The return reconciliation status. Either unreconciled , reconciled , or partially_reconciled . |
reconciled_amount integer | The amount reconciled, calculated as the sum of the reconciliations created for this payment order. |
metadata object | Additional data in JSON key:value format. See Metadata. |
bank_data object | Bank data in JSON key:value format. |
created_at datetime | The return creation UTC timestamp. |
Below is an example of a return:
"id": "a117fdf3-0f5d-46f1-abe8-57b8e78f6226",
"object": "return",
"connected_account_id": "050b18a2-fe5a-47c5-8692-50cf6663c259",
"type": "sepa",
"related_payment_id": "9c95044f-73bb-425e-bf66-74cb3a03647d",
"related_payment_type": "incoming_payment",
"return_reason": "AC04",
"value_date": "2022-01-03",
"returned_amount": 2000,
"currency": "EUR",
"receiving_account_number": "FR6010096000306973462461G47",
"status": "executed",
"status_details": "",
"reconciliation_status": "reconciled",
"reconciled_amount": 2000,
"metadata": {},
"bank_data": {
"file_id": "9ac03610-02b6-421c-958a-de17088b1901",
"message_id": "7d0665620d",
"transaction_id": "dfe7eb0b9c",
"end_to_end_id": "1061b6c83f"
"created_at": "2022-01-03T15:12:20.644356Z"