A counterparty account is the bank account of a counterparty. It includes the account details required to send payments to or collect payments from this counterparty. Counterparty accounts can be used for payment orders, direct debit mandates, and account verifications.
Attribute | Description |
id string | The counterparty account ID. |
object string | Always counterparty_account . |
name string | The counterparty account name. |
counterparty_id string | The ID of the related counterparty. |
holder_name string | The name of the company or individual holding the account. |
holder_address string | The account holder address. See address object. |
account_number string | The account number of the counterparty account. |
bank_code string | The BIC / Swift code or sort code, depending on the country and bank. Only upper case letters allowed. |
type string | The type of the counterparty account. Can be individual , legal_entity , or null . |
company_registration_number_type string | The type of the company registration number. Supported values are nl_kvk , nl_kvk_branch , fr_siren , fr_siret , uk_crn , eu_vat , and other . Must be left empty for counterparty accounts with type = individual . |
company_registration_number string | The company registration number. Must match the format given by company_registration_number . Must be left empty for counterparty accounts with type = individual . |
status string | The status of the counterparty account. See Counterparty account lifecycle for a comprehensive list of counterparty account statuses. |
status_details string | The reason for denying the counterparty account. |
account_verification object | The account verification results. See Account verification. |
metadata object | Additional data in JSON key:value format. See Metadata. |
custom_fields object | Custom fields in JSON key:value format. See Custom fields. |
disabled_at datetime | The counterparty account disabling UTC timestamp. |
created_at datetime | The counterparty account creation UTC timestamp. |
Below is an example of a counterparty account:
"id": "39446492-3d63-4a3c-8f96-a8ed8be91c0c",
"object": "counterparty_account",
"type": "legal_entity",
"status": "approved",
"status_details": "",
"name": "Acme Corp. settling account",
"holder_name": "Acme Crop.",
"holder_address": {
"country": "",
"line_1": "",
"line_2": "",
"building_number": "",
"street_name": "",
"postal_code": "",
"region_state": "",
"city": ""
"account_number": "FR1212739000506541967515Q48",
"bank_code": "SOMEBIC0XXX",
"counterparty_id": null,
"company_registration_number": "123456789",
"company_registration_number_type": "fr_siren",
"metadata": {},
"custom_fields": {},
"account_verification": {
"result": "valid",
"valid_account_number": {
"result": "valid",
"details": {
"reason": "",
"expected_value": "",
"message": ""
"matching_account_number_and_bank_code": {
"result": "valid",
"details": {
"reason": "",
"expected_value": "",
"message": ""
"matching_account_holder": {
"result": "valid",
"details": {
"reason": "",
"expected_value": "",
"message": ""
"active_account": {
"result": "valid",
"details": {
"reason": "",
"expected_value": "",
"message": ""
"created_at": "2024-05-22T12:35:01.892244399Z"
"created_at": "2024-05-22T12:34:34.721347Z",
"disabled_at": null