User roles and permissions

To invite a new user to the Numeral dashboard, go to Settings > Users > Invite user. Enter the user's email address and select a user role.

The Numeral dashboard is built around 60+ user permissions grouped into 6 standard user roles. By default, you can assign one of the following 6 user roles:

ControllerControllers can view accounts and payments as well as manage reconciliations.
RequesterRequesters can create payments, but cannot approve them.
ApproverApprovers can approve payments, files, and R transactions.
ManagerManagers can manage payments, accounts, reconciliations, and counterparties. They cannot manage platform settings, developer settings, and users.
DeveloperDevelopers can manage developer settings, including API keys, webhooks, and events.
AdminAdmins can manage payments, accounts, reconciliations, counterparties, users, platform settings, and developer settings.

If you need custom roles that fit your unique organisation and use cases, please contact us at [email protected].