Matching algorithm


A critical component of VOP is the matching algorithm that compares the account holder name in the request with the account holder name in your accounts database.

If the algorithm is overly restrictive and frequently returns "No match", your customers may encounter difficulties receiving funds intended for them.

Conversely, if the algorithm is too lenient and frequently returns a ‘close match,’ it increases the risk of exposing your account database. Likewise, incorrectly returning a ‘match’ can lead to refund liabilities.

With these considerations in mind, Numeral has developed a robust algorithm which computes and returns a similarity score between 0 and 100. You can then configure the threshold separating a close match and a no match.

The matching algorithm and the data cleaning comply with the EU's Instant Payments Regulation and EPC's VOP scheme rulebook and recommendations.

Also note that we allow you to configure the data cleaning process to fit your specific requirements


Below are some examples where the threshold between a close match and a no match is set to 80.

Name storedName receivedScoreResult
Jean DupontPierre Leroy9No match
Jean DupontMaxime Dupont45No match
Jean DupontJaen Dupont81Close match
Jean DupontJean Dupond91Close match
Jean DupontJean Dupont100Match