Add a webhook
Numeral uses webhooks to notify your application when an event is created. Webhooks are particularly helpful for asynchronous events, such as a payment being executed by the bank or an account statement being received from a bank.
Events are created when an object is created or updated, either by a user using the API or the dashboard or by Numeral. An update can be the update of any attribute, such as a status, a date, or any other data.
For each event, Numeral will send a POST request to your API endpoint in JSON format. This API request contains an event object.
In order to use webhooks, you should create an API endpoint on your server and register it using the Numeral's dashboard. To register an API endpoint:
- Go to Developers > Webhooks > Add webhook
- Enter a name and your API endpoint
- Select the events you want to subscribe to. You can select:
- Receive all events and all events will be sent without distinction
- Select individual events and only selected events (based on their
) will be sent
- Click on Add webhook
Updated 2 months ago