
Launching counterparty account approval

[2023-11-29] Users can now approve counterparty accounts before they can be used to create payment orders, expected payments, or direct debit mandates in the Numeral dashboard.


Adding support for treasury and payroll payments

[2023-11-27] We now support treasury payments (also known as internal payments) as well as payroll payments. Check how to create such payments in the existing Create a payment order API endpoint.


Adding support for Intesa Sanpaolo as a SEPA sponsor bank

[2023-11-20] We now support Intesa Sanpaolo as a SEPA sponsor bank. Intesa Sanpaolo’s SEPA indirect participants can send and receive payments, returns, return requests, and inquiries as well as access account data using Numeral.


Grouping connected accounts by currency, bank name, and country

[2023-11-17] Users can now group connected accounts by currency, bank name and country in the Numeral dashboard. The latest available balances of grouped accounts are aggregated.


Adding support for Arkéa Banking Services as a SEPA sponsor bank

[2023-11-16] We now support Arkéa Banking Services (via Okali) as a SEPA sponsor bank. Arkéa Banking Services’s SEPA indirect participants can send and receive payments, returns, return requests, and inquiries using Numeral.


Adding support for Crédit Mutuel

[2023-11-05] We now support Crédit Mutuel. Crédit Mutuel’s customers can now connect their accounts to send payments and access account data using Numeral.


Adding search in the dashboard

[2023-10-31] We just launched search capabilities in the dashboard to enable users to filter and search data.


Using counterparty account when creating a payment order

[2023-10-24] When creating a payment order from the Numeral dashboard, users can now select an existing counterparty account instead of manually filling in the counterparty account details.


Creating counterparty accounts in the dashboard

[2023-09-14] Users can now create counterparty accounts in the Numeral dashboard.


Adding support for external payment sources

[2023-10-12] Numeral can now connect with any external SFTP, in which customers can deposit XML or CSV payment files and receive back account statements. Customers can connect any source, from internal systems to payroll or ERP software.