
Adding support for external payment sources

[2023-10-12] Numeral can now connect with any external SFTP, in which customers can deposit XML or CSV payment files and receive back account statements. Customers can connect any source, from internal systems to payroll or ERP software.


Creating payment orders through file upload in the dashboard

[2023-10-10] Dashboard users with the Create payment orders permission can now create payment orders by uploading CSV or XML payment files in the dashboard. Read our complete guide on uploading payment files.


Launching audit trails in the dashboard

[2023-10-10] We just launched audit trails in the dashboard. Users can now see audit trails for all objects, including the dashboard user, API key, or system that performed these actions.


Adding support for the 2023 EPC rulebook changes

Numeral now supports the 2023 version of the European Payment Council’s rulebooks:


Adding payment captures in the dashboard

[2023-08-29] Users can now see payment captures in the Numeral dashboard.


Launching payment captures

[2023-08-16] We are now enabling customers to create and reconcile payment captures in Numeral system.


Adding direct debit mandates in the dashboard

[2023-08-09] Users can now view direct debit mandates in the Numeral dashboard.


Enabling customers to retry a payment order

[2023-08-08] We are now enabling customers to retry a payment order which was rejected or returned, by using the endpoint Retry a payment order and specifying new parameters if relevant.


Adding support for Barclays

[2023-07-26] We are now supporting Barclays. Corporate customers can send SEPA credit transfers and receive account statement data through Barclays.


Extending direct debit mandates to SEPA indirect participants

[2023-07-19] We now support direct debit mandate management for SEPA indirect participants with four additional flows.