
Adding support of company verification number verification

Numeral customers can now check, for external accounts recorded in Numeral that represent legal entities, the correspondence of the provided account number and company registration number.


Adding new event webhook delivery modes

Customers can now choose between four event delivery modes on webhooks:


Adding support for return approvals

Customers can now approve returns before they are sent to their bank. After activating return approvals, returns will be created in the pending_approval status and have to be approved or canceled in the API or dashboard. Learn more about the updated returns lifecycle. Contact us at [email protected] to activate return approvals.


Launching improved manual reconciliation flow

Customers benefit from an improved flow in the Numeral dashboard to manually reconcile payments:


Adding support for SCT urgent payments

Numeral customers can now create SCT urgent payments through the API or the dashboard for supported banks.


Adding support for TARGET2 payments

Numeral customers can now create TARGET2 payments through the API or the dashboard for supported banks.


Adding support for treasury payments

Numeral customers can now create treasury payments through the API or the dashboard for supported banks.


Launching creation of Swift payments from the dashboard

Numeral customers can now create Swift payments directly from the dashboard for supported banks.


Adding payment retry rules

You can now use payment retry rules to automatically retry payment orders which failed for specific reasons. Learn more with:


Adding general availability support for CENTROlink as SEPA sponsor bank

Numeral CENTROlink integration is now out of beta and generally available.