Return requests

Below are the return requests state machine and a description of the related events and statuses.


receivedThe return request has been received from the bank.
sentThe return request has been sent to the bank.
acceptedThe return request has been accepted by the bank.
deniedThe return request has been denied.
pending_retryThe file has been rejected by the bank. The return request will be sent in a new file.
retriedThe return request has been sent in a new file.
rejectedThe return request has been rejected.


Status Description
receivedThe return request has been received from the bank.
pendingThe return request has been created and is pending being sent.
sentThe return request has been sent to the bank.
acceptedThe return request has been accepted. A return request accepted triggers a return.
deniedThe return request has been denied.
pending_retryThe file has been rejected by the bank. The return request will be sent in a new file.
rejectedThe return request has been rejected.

State machine