
Enabling customers to manually push payments to processing

Numeral processes payments created by customers and sends them to banks through files or API requests.

Processing rules are configured in Numeral on a per customer and per bank basis, depending on customer's preferences and bank's capabilities, including but not limited to file / API request size limits, cut-off times, etc.

In sandbox, payments are automatically processed every 60 minutes.

Customers can now manage processing rules internally and manually push payments to processing.

Pushing payments to processing using the API

We launched a new Process payments API endpoint to process payment orders, returns, return requests, and responses to return requests.

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'X-API-Key: Your_API_Key'
     --data '


Wildcards ("*") can be used to process payments for all connected accounts and all payment types.

Accepted payment types include:

  • sepa (SEPA credit transfers and SEPA direct debits)
  • sepa_instant (SEPA instant credit transfers)
  • bacs (Bacs direct debits and direct credits)
  • fps (FPS payments)
  • treasury (treasury payments)

Pushing payments to processing from the dashboard in sandbox

Dashboard users can manually push payments to processing in sandbox by clicking on Manually process payments in the navigation bar.