Payment methods supported

Numeral currently supports the following payment schemes or methods:

  • SEPA credit transfer (SCT)
  • SEPA instant credit transfer (SCT Inst)
  • SEPA direct debit (SDD)
  • SEPA urgent payments
  • Bacs direct credit
  • Bacs direct debit
  • Faster Payment System (FPS)
  • TARGET2 RTGS payments
  • Swift
  • Treasury payments
  • Icelandic EXP local payments

We are also working on supporting the following payment schemes or methods:


Payment scheme can be specified when creating a payment order, based on the following combinations:

Payment schemePayment order typePayment order direction
SEPA credit transfersepacredit
SEPA instant credit transfersepa_instantcredit
SEPA direct debitsepa_instantdebit
SEPA urgentsepa_urgentcredit
Bacs direct creditbacscredit
Bacs direct debitbacsdebit
Faster Paymentsfpscredit
TARGET2 RTGStarget2credit
Icelandic EXPicelandic_expcredit


You do not see a payment scheme or method you are interested in? Please contact us.